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Wall of ideas

My Project Portfolio

Explore a curated selection of projects
I've personally managed
and led over the years,
offering a glimpse into
my design and creation expertise.

Versatile 360 Camera Modeling

Explore a comprehensive 360-camera
model suitable for various applications,
including document use,
property marketing, video content,
sales promotion, and more.

Made For MyPlay

International Trade Website
Project Management

Lead the establishment
of a global website
and international trade,
overseeing tasks such as team
recruitment, technical writing,
strategic planning, creative production,
and project management
—including translation
into five languages.

Developed & Designed For MyPlay

Promotional Video

Strategize, script, and produce
a captivating animated video
with accompanying narration.

Planned & Executed

Technical Document Creation

Strategize, write, create, and produce
technical documents for various products.

Planned & Executed For MyPlay LTD

Multilingual Testimonials Project

Strategically plan and execute a project
capturing customer experiences,
including translation into five languages,
meticulous project management
involving sub-suppliers
and internal teams—
from inception to the final production.

Made For MyPlay

Planning & Producing Informative Videos

Strategically plan and produce
a variety of videos—
over 40 in total—
offering informative and experiential
content showcasing the product,


Exclusively for MyPlay

Web & Digital Asset
Project Management

Lead the establishment
of an image website for MSF LTD,
including agreement negotiation
with the development team,
content writing, planning,
creative production, and collaborative efforts
with the development team
until the website goes live.

 Executed for MSF LTD

Marketing Overview Document

Plan, write, create, and produce
A comprehensive marketing document
for MyPlay LTD, incorporating
service pricing structured in packages.

Conference Marketing Materials Planning

Creatively plan and prepare marketing
materials for an e-commerce conference,
collaborating with sub-suppliers
for creative elements such as brochures,
graphic design, and exceptional
gift wrappings.

Made For SPD

International Trade
Website Project Management

Lead the establishment
of an image and international
trade website, involving agreement
negotiation with the development team,
content writing, and creative planning
and production.

Collaborate with the development team
until the website is live.

Made For SPD

Image Website Launch

Plan and execute the creation
of an image website,
incorporating creative design,
content writing, SEO optimization,
and more.

For MarketingMinds

Image Website Launch

Plan and execute the creation
of an image website,
incorporating creative design,
content writing, SEO optimization,
and more.

For MarketingMinds

Satisfaction Guarantee

Focusing on meticulous details,
ensuring professional aesthetics,
durability, and delivering work
to the highest standards.

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